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Vitamins: How do Vitamins work: Best Foods for Vitamins A to K Nutrition Diet sources | 13 vitamins your body needs                                                 Vitamins Ppt Link-Kranthi nutrition Vitamins-TheorY Definition: Organic compounds, available in nature, required in minute quantities for specific  body functions such as regulation, maintenance, growth and protection in our body.
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Nutrition Syllabus 2017-18

Nutrition Syllabus 2017-18

Nutrition Question Papers

Nutrition Question Papers



Nutrition Internal 1 Question Paper

Academic No:................................. B.Sc.DEGREE EXAMINATION,OCTOBER 2017. Internal -I Part III-Catering Science and Hotel Management NUTRITION-I TIME:2 1/2 Hr                                                                                     Maximum:50 Marks SECTION A - Answer All Questions. 1. Give the definition of Health according to the WHO. (5 M) 2.Explain the various dimensions of Health.(10 M) 3.What do you understand by the term nutrition & the nutrition care of an Individual (5 M) 4.Classify Nutrients according to their f...


BMR 1.What do you Understand by B.M.R? What are the various factors that affect the Basal Metabolic Rate? A.  Definition of BMR: Basal metabolic rate is the energy released when the subject is at complete menta l and physical rest i.e. in a room with comfortable temperature and humidity, awake and sitting in a reclining position, 10-12 hours after the last meal. It is essentially the minimum energy required to maintain the heart rate, respiration, kidney function etc. Factors that affect B asal Metabolic Rate (BMR) There are many factors that affect the BMR. These include body temperature, age, sex, race, emotional state, climate  1.  Genetics (Race): Some people are born with faster metabolism and some with slower metabolism. Indians and Chinese seem to have a lower BMR than the Europeans. This may as well be due to dietary differences between these races. Higher BMR exists in individuals living in tropical climates. Ex. Singapore. 2.  Gender: Men...